A Panorama of Planets ~ 28 Jan 2016

The newly promised, highly theorized planet has not yet been spotted. However, early risers, venturing outside and looking up before sunrise for the next days are in for a treat. There are several days left in which, if one looks east and follows the ecliptic, a spread of classical planets spans the sky.

Starting near the eastern horizon, peeks Mercury in Capricorn. There, what is unseen, is Pluto, now directly aligned with the messenger. Then, climbing upward, Venus in Capricorn, dominating the alignment in brightness. Moving upward more, Saturn in Sagittarius, then Mars in Scorpio and topping things off, leaning westward shines Jupiter in Virgo.

It has been long assumed that those celestial influences visible inspire the cognitive process, stir the psyche, and propel a person into fuller engagement with life. Going cogent, here’s a set of bullet points for the predawn display.

Looking east, Mercury, rarely seen because of his proximity to the Sun, tips the hand of the soon to rise Sun. Aligned with Pluto in Capricorn, the combination reeks of extra ripeness as Mercury had in his possession, a hall pass that afforded him passage in and out of the underworld - a rarity indeed. Mercury and Pluto together get down in the mental trenches to declare what it is that lies deep beneath the surface. Pluto, lord of the underworld, possesses the gems, oil, radioactive elements, dinosaur remains, deep running waters and guides ones desires toward any and all of those possessions as he reveals what one really, really wants. No, what one really, really wants. Pluto’s contention is that what you really want - and really need, when fulfilled, contributes to the spirit, instead of causing conflict. Which is why so many Plutocrats feel as they do; and why those taking a vow of poverty feel as they do. Where are you... really? And what do you feel/want that comes from the mundane realm, and the domain of Pluto? Tricky questions with complicated answers.

Venus in Capricorn is next up. While classically perceived as stingy, this placement realizes that it takes money to make money. As well, Venus in this sign cannot be satisfied with stuff that is substandard. Quality and excellence stand above all considerations. Similarly, what is it that you bring to the table of life, and have you honed it to its highest level of perfection? If your renderings are not yet perfect, get honing.

Saturn in Sagittarius offers two primary interrogatives: Do you have a plan? What is the belief system that underscores that plan? Saturn says that without a clearly defined doctrine that one can decree without forcing it upon others with differing beliefs that things come off like a table with one short leg. The annoying wobbling that prevents a proper meeting unceasingly occurs. So, stabilize the home front, know what fuels and motivates your agenda, and present it with a flexible, option-oriented pitch.

Mars in Scorpio is dang near at culmination during the early morning sky watch. So, look up and feel it. When the view sends a shiver down your spine, you’re tracking. Take it all the way to your toes. Feel the essence and energy in every cell of your being, store it in your DNA, then take a look at one more planet - Jupiter to the west, then get going with a full bucket of Martian steam.

Jupiter caps off the planetary spectrum from his position in Virgo, now in proximity to the north node of the moon. He asks for a review of what you are going to do, but more, why you are going to do it? He occupies a pretty dang dharmic position with the lunar node. Oh yeah, there’s one final reminder... the devil is in the details. Miss nothing. Dot i’s. Cross t’s. Speak with lucidity and thoughtfulness, applying a dollop of Virgoan flexibility to new arriving details that make the existing plan even more perfect.

More soon.